…by that, I mean of course, they rip on those damn elitist, pot-smoking, sodomy-loving liberals, including first-year unionized teachers and comparative literature grad students “working” as community organizers, who must all have multi-million dollar Upper West Side apartments of their own, which they bought by ruthlessly taxing hard-working, salt-of-the-earth people like Rush.
From the Wall Street Journal, (Limbaugh Gets Mega Millions on Condo Sale) my highlights added:
In all seriousness, though, it never made sense why he would keep such a luxury suite in a city he only spends 15 days a year in. New York City is the gilded embodiment of the left-wing gun-hating, anti-God mindset that Rush and his listeners hate, how could he in good conscience continue to supply this anti-capitalist city’s coffers with his riches? I have a good friend who hated the idea of tax revenue from gainful employment being used to fund wars, so he chose living at home to take care of his parents and grandparents; can’t Rush at least find a low-tax, conservative mecca that meets his luxurious cultural (but, of course, totally American and patriotic and old-fashioned moral) tastes?
Personally, I don’t have a problem with Rush living high-on-the-hog with the money he made off of his listeners…it’s just kind of an odd way to show those liberals how an honest man lives. Also, if his fans had heard a story about Al Gore owning a gold-leaf ceiling apartment that he lived in only 15 days of the year, I doubt they’d congratulate him for all the money he made off his global warming slideshow.