JetBlue’s Steven Slater’s Great Escape

Steven Slater

I predict a great talk-show circuit for (former) JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater, who had an Office Space like moment at the end of a flight and went crazy, in a happy, mostly harmless way. I mean, he’s no Sully, but he’s got to have some admirers among frequent fliers, who’ll see his maniac episode as confirmation of the madness that is modern air travel.

From the NYT:

On Monday, on the tarmac at Kennedy International Airport, a JetBlue attendant named Steven Slater decided he had had enough, the authorities said.

After a dispute with a passenger who stood to fetch his luggage too soon on a full flight just in from Pittsburgh, Mr. Slater, 38 and a career flight attendant, got on the public-address intercom and let loose a string of invective.

Then, the authorities said, he pulled the lever that activates the emergency-evacuation chute and slid down, making a dramatic exit not only from the plane but, one imagines, also from his airline career.

On his way out the door, he paused to grab a beer from the beverage cart. Then he ran to the employee parking lot and drove off, the authorities said.

And c’mon, this is as graceful as an arrest as you can get:

Mr. Slater, Mr. Krakowski said, “had a smile on his face when the cops brought him out, like, ‘Yeah, big deal.’ ” Mr. Slater was taken to a Port Authority police building at the airport and was expected to be held overnight.

Here’s his MySpace page…I don’t want to make a flip judgment, but if you’re 38 and still maintaining an active MySpace page…

General Back flying after five years off the job and having a ball. If I am on the ground, I am probably in my humble home in the ‘burbs doing something domestic and trite. like vacuuming.Or dining, as I just love to dine. Which leads to the gym, to offset the dining. Big fan of sand and sun, I am often found on the beach or in a park, anywhere I can catch some exercise and a few rays. My airline affiliation allows me amazing travel privileges, and I love to max it out with trips around the world, sometimes on a moment’s notice!Let’s go!

Music totally random and eclectic tastes here, my iPod is full of cheesy disco trash and sappy big hair metal ballads. Had a New Jack thing recently, New Edition, Ralph tresvant, etc. Must be feeling nostalgic in my years. Enjoy classical, and give me an Irish tenor anyday. Jazz and New Age, Ambient, loung, chill

Well howdy friends and loved ones! Thanks for stopping by my little piece ‘o the web! Chances are I am flying 35, 000 feet somewhere over the rainbow on my way to some semi-fabulous JetBlue Airways destination! Truly, some are better than others. But I am enjoying being back in the skies and seeing them all. The last few years have ssen me grounded, doing the daily grind,’9 to ‘5-, “real job” thing and hating most of it. Now I am back in the swing of life and having a blast. Can’t wait to see where I go next! Beating alcoholism and substance abuse “one day at a time” has opened up new worlds of opportunity for me, and I am so thankful to those who have guided me along the path to successful living, and given me new wings to fly. See you above the clouds….

Who I’d like to meet:
Anybody with a good attitude, a positive vibe, and a curiosity for the world around them. People who most appeal to me are warmhearted and kind, have a sense of right and wrong, and a decent head on their shoulders. Be whoever you are, just be real and be yourself. We are all God’s children, each unique and talented in our own right.

As the NYT puts it, he was a career flight attendant. His work itinerary, according to MySpace:

Steven- NYCFLYER’s Companies
JetBlue Airways
Flight Attendant

Delta Air Lines
Flight Attendant

TWA-Trans World Airlines
Flight Attendant

1995- 1996
Business Express Airlines- Northwest Airlink
Flight Attendant

SkyWest Airlines
Flight Attendant

I'm a programmer journalist, currently teaching computational journalism at Stanford University. I'm trying to do my new blogging at