I can’t believe how hard it was to find this (also, I know basically nothing about bash scripting), so maybe the next person who Googles this will find this post and save themselves a few minutes:
(replace ‘999’ with the number of pages in a document)
for f in *.PDF; do for i in {1..999}; do pdftotext -f "$i" -l $l "$i" -layout $f "${f%.PDF}_$1.txt"; done; done
for f in *.PDF; do for i in {1..999}; do pdftotext -f "$i" -l $l "$i" -layout $f "${f%.PDF}_$i.txt"; done; done
The above script will tell pdftotext to take every .PDF file and convert each page into a separate text file in the format original_file_name_pagenumber.txt
for f in *.tif; do tesseract $f “${f%.tif}.txt”; done;