New evidence and reports showing that New Orleans police were given orders to shoot looters in order to take back the city after Hurricane Katrina, a fundamental change in use-of-force policies. This gives some context to the reports of innocents gunned down during that chaotic time. The story is the result of an investigation by my ProPublica colleagues, Sabrina Shankman and A.C. Thompson, along with reporters at Frontline and the New Orleans Times-Picayune.
“If you can sleep with it, do it”; New Orleans cops given orders to shoot looters
New evidence and reports showing that New Orleans police were given orders to shoot looters in order to take back the city after Hurricane Katrina, a fundamental change in use-of-force policies. This gives some context to the reports of innocents gunned down during that chaotic time. The story is the result of an investigation by my ProPublica colleagues, Sabrina Shankman and A.C. Thompson, along with reporters at Frontline and the New Orleans Times-Picayune.