Akira Kurosawa on Netflix Instant Play: Seven Samurai, Rashomon, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, The Hidden Fortress, Ikiru

As recently as last month, I was disappointed with Netflix’s Japanese film selection on Instant Play. But it looks like they’ve remedied the shortage a bit with these classics from Akira Kurosawa, perhaps Japan’s finest director. I’ve seen most of them already. I own Ikiru on Criterion DVD but haven’t even opened it yet. I know it’s one of those movies you have to be the right mood to watch. Actually, having these movies on Instant Play probably isn’t that helpful…IP’s quality isn’t nearly good enough for the best movies; I feel sorry for anyone who has their first viewing of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly on it.

Seven SamuraiSeven Samurai RashomonRashomon YojimboYojimbo

Previously, there were a few good Japanese gems on Instant Play, including Twilight Samurai and The Great Happiness Space, a fascinating and ultimately depressing documentary about the male escort/geisha service.

The Great Happiness Space

The Great Happiness Space

I'm a programmer journalist, currently teaching computational journalism at Stanford University. I'm trying to do my new blogging at blog.danwin.com.