Tag Archives: look-back

New York in 2011, the photo version

A little late on this but I posted a few photos I took in NYC this year over at my Tumblr, Eye Heart New York.

This year seemed like my most sheltered, uncreative year yet…even so, according to Flickr’s count, 3/4 of the 3,000+ photos I’ve uploaded in total took place in 2011. I guess when so much just happens next to me (basically, OccupyWallStreet camping out a few blocks away) it’s hard not to snap a few pics. I almost broke the million views mark (for the two years that I’ve been on Flickr) and one of my photos finally made it on someone’s dining room wall, so not too bad a year no matter what it felt.

Here’s a few of the photos; visit Eye Heart New York for the rest:

Pre-Hurricane Irene: Naked Cowboy

WTC, eve of 9/11/2011

Casting Call, New York Fashion Week Spring 2012

Lightning strikes the Empire State Building

OccupyWallSt, day of canceled city cleaning Sit-in, jazz hands! OccupyWallStreet goes to occupy Times Square, 10/15/2011

High Line Park, Art Installation, Section 2

New Museum slide!

See the rest at Eye Heart New York

United/Continental pilots march on Wall Street